Friday, April 20, 2012

The "Add Me" Thread. Friends for EA MMA, or just fighting sports buddi...

I did a search and can't find any add me threads in this sub forum. I only have one online friend at this point :) . I need enough to download Classic Randy Couture on the demo, until I can get my full game. My gamertag (I'm on Xbox 360, is "smokecombs". Add me if you want or send me a PM on there or something and I'll try to add you. I'm not sure how all this friend stuff works but I know most here are vets of online play. Oh, and if there is a thread like this one I apologize and a mod might want to delete this one if they can point me to such a thread. In the meantime, if you're on Xbox 360, add me please. Thanks! :)|||You can add me.|||

You can add me.
Lol, okay, how do I do it? :) I'll do a google search. Gosh I need to figure this stuff out. Thanks!|||I'll send you a FR when I get on the xbox again, I'm watching UFC Unleashed atm. Once that's finished I'll probably get on for a couple hours.|||

I'll send you a FR when I get on the xbox again, I'm watching UFC Unleashed atm. Once that's finished I'll probably get on for a couple hours.
Thanks man! Do I have to be online to receive the request? My youngest son is playing Lego Star Wars on there at the moment. :)|||It will just be sitting in your messages when you next sign in, so no rush.|||I will send you one also, you can be my fifth online friend *WHOOP*....and mummy said i wasnt good with people!
May even get Clasic Randy myself at this rate :)|||Joey I sent you a friend request.|||classic couture is worse than current couture on the game so dont really need him but whatever. i might make a couture caf cause i hate that he doesnt even have the highest clinch in his wieghtclass

classic couture is worse than current couture on the game so dont really need him but whatever. i might make a couture caf cause i hate that he doesnt even have the highest clinch in his wieghtclass

I will download it for sure if you do that! Definitely CAF making will be my strong point as I'm not the best gamer in the world. I love to make CAFS though, that was my contribution to Fight Night Round 4 cause I sure wasn't a great fighter on there.
Thanks Red Diamond I am just about to check my online. I have to unhook my PC and hook to my 360...I gotta get a dang wireless router for this thing.|||Add me. Xbox same name.|||

classic couture is worse than current couture on the game so dont really need him but whatever. i might make a couture caf cause i hate that he doesnt even have the highest clinch in his wieghtclass

I will download it for sure if you do that! Definitely CAF making will be my strong point as I'm not the best gamer in the world. I love to make CAFS though, that was my contribution to Fight Night Round 4 cause I sure wasn't a great fighter on there.
Thanks Red Diamond I am just about to check my online. I have to unhook my PC and hook to my 360...I gotta get a dang wireless router for this thing.

Add me my man. I will be glad to do some fight cards!|||anyone, feel free to add me. i work from 8pm - 4am, and im usually on all throughout the afternoon.
(CC users accepted, but i prefer fellow TSC users).|||I'm down just send a message with the request so I know who you are GT CHAOS VANDAL

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