Roster - Offline allow us the option of signing fighters (real or randomly generated). I'm not sure what the limit should be but at least 10 in each weightclass. (Online the roster would be done by the league creater himself on a personal site)
Spectator mode - THIS IS A MUST!!! Offline allow us to set up a PPV card and watch it. Online allow us to go in a lobby that lists fights that are in progress and give us the option to spectate it. If not this at least give us the option to allow 2 or 3 spectators to be our corner. this would be awesome for camps wanting to coach their members thru matches.
Would you guys be interested in this? I think it would be awesome and online leagues would be sick! Thoughts?
EDIT: "Naturally, the online component is back, and not only will you take fights to Xbox Live, but you'll now be able to start online leagues as well. Hardcore mixed-martial-arts fans know that almost all big-name fighters train in groups, and that a win for a single fighter is more like a win for the whole team. Now you can take your fighters online with your friends and try to create groups as dominant as Team Quest, Black House, or Top Team."
It sounds like they're getting camps and leagues mixed up but I may be wrong. Regardless, this IMO is still a must have feature to add to EA MMA and if THQ is in fact talking about camps and not leagues this would definately give EA something that THQ wont have. EA had something similar to this in their other sports titles so why not this? Please dont make us wait until 2012 to have this feature EA. Make it happen for 2010.|||Then i would offically kiss "goodbye" to my social life... lol|||Would be a great idea. It would be similar to "Create-A-Team" modes in other games.|||Great Idea, I would love to have a income or salary to work with! Enough to offer good contracts and have Fighters complain about the lack of competition etc.. etc..
Customization of colors is nice for rings and cages as well as choosing my Ring or Cage Girls woo Hoooo!
Would be nice to create the CEO with Face Creator too! Dress him up in a suit have him interact with Fighters and all of the above! Use your imagination :)|||Hell yeah.|||
Would be a great idea. It would be similar to "Create-A-Team" modes in other games.
Exactly! They did it in Madden game. Why not this one? Glad to hear I'm not alone on this one. I thought about this after seeing all the online leagues for Undisputed and since this is about MMA and not one org I figured it would be a great feature for online. I think it would definately give EA MMA an advantage over Undisputed.|||I could make UFC and make tons and tons of UFC CAF's. This would make the game brilliant.|||For a online mode this could be interesting. Especially if they take the whole thing of different regions with different fighting rules. One could make his own, say a 2 round fight like Dream, or a 3 5min one.
Not to mention how awesome it could get if they decide to add different moves for say the japanese organizations which one could chose to enable or disable for his created organization. (Soccerkicks, or disable elbows).
For a online mode this could be interesting. Especially if they take the whole thing of different regions with different fighting rules. One could make his own, say a 2 round fight like Dream, or a 3 5min one.
Not to mention how awesome it could get if they decide to add different moves for say the japanese organizations which one could chose to enable or disable for his created organization. (Soccerkicks, or disable elbows).
I like this. Sounds like GTA 4 with all the online customizations.|||Won't happen the moment the UFC is created Zuffa will get Lawyer happy|||
Won't happen the moment the UFC is created Zuffa will get Lawyer happy
How exactly? EA didn't create the fake "UFC". Why do you think TNA won't go after anyone who created TNA wrestlers in Smackdown, or any wrestling companies going after Spike for allowing people to create wrestlers, orgs, and logos in Fire Pro?
All EA is offering is the template. What people do with it is up to them.|||Zuffa initiating a Law-suite based on what a customer created is like if I sold you a bycicle you went rubbed a bank and used the bike as your get away vehicle and you happened to get away, then I getting suide for selling you my bike. Wouldnt stick in court!
We need the ability to upload images to our EA Account and have them transferred to our Gaming Consoles! That's what we need.|||
Won't happen the moment the UFC is created Zuffa will get Lawyer happy
I'm pretty sure if someone tries to upload a UFC logo it would be denied.|||This is def a great idea, it has a ton of potential if guided by the community right.|||For offline orgs you could just use images off your hard drive surely?
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