Wednesday, April 11, 2012

I was thinking about training in Thailand...

... but then I decided "Nahh... Phucket."
Lol, I really enjoy reading the web articles in career mode!|||Yeah.
They do kinda get a little annoying at times. The articles are written by what feels like your average Sherdogger (you know the kinds... Brock is a demigod, Fedor is a can crusher, Zuffa is the only real MMA org everyone else is fixed type poster)|||

They do kinda get a little annoying at times. The articles are written by what feels like your average Sherdogger (you know the kinds... Brock is a demigod, Fedor is a can crusher, Zuffa is the only real MMA org everyone else is fixed type poster)

I'm sure that was exactly what they were going for. How many of those "Sherdoggers" do you think were talking smack on this game what it was in development? I mean right off the bat he's talking about how he always jumps on bandwagons, maybe they could've thrown in UFC after New York and LA lol|||

They do kinda get a little annoying at times. The articles are written by what feels like your average Sherdogger (you know the kinds... Brock is a demigod, Fedor is a can crusher, Zuffa is the only real MMA org everyone else is fixed type poster)

I'm sure that was exactly what they were going for. How many of those "Sherdoggers" do you think were talking smack on this game what it was in development? I mean right off the bat he's talking about how he always jumps on bandwagons, maybe they could've thrown in UFC after New York and LA lol
Sherdog back in July was like 50/50 on this game suprisingly. At least, in the sites Video Game forum. The Heavyweights (AKA the Zuffa horde section) was even showing interest in it.|||Yeah but he's right, you can tell that guy is just a parody of a Sherdog guy. He is in no way to be taken seriously, and he often makes fun of himself.|||

Yeah but he's right, you can tell that guy is just a parody of a Sherdog guy. He is in no way to be taken seriously, and he often makes fun of himself.
The best was I went 40-0 in my career (played the first one on easy just to make sure I knew what I was doing) and after I went 37-0 he typed one:
"Admit it, you are just resetting your console before you lose. It's ok, I won't tell anyone.

Breaking down the 4th barrier and everything up in this post"|||im on my second title defense in mystic and i cant beat the guy!im trying to go undefeated but i cant beat him,he fights like the demo AI parrying EVERY strike then landing whenever he wants UGH!!im just going to keep trying until i win|||

im on my second title defense in mystic and i cant beat the guy!im trying to go undefeated but i cant beat him,he fights like the demo AI parrying EVERY strike then landing whenever he wants UGH!!im just going to keep trying until i win
Or be a b***h like me and turn the difficulty down. :) :)|||haha good idea...1match wouldnt hurt haha,its dumb tho because he is all 60's and im high 80's and 70's yet its like im a beginner i can never tie up take him down or land anything and when i do rock him im out of stamina because he spams my body haha i dont know maybe difficulty will have to go down

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